Tonight, I am unable to go to sleep until I write out what has been on my mind. Writing has always been my way of letting out steam or stress. So here it is.
When, I was at church on Sunday we sang a song that spoke to me. It said, "Nothing is impossible, Nothing is impossible, You hold the world in Your hands." God revealed to me the fact that I have been doubting Him. Sometimes, I assume that some things are impossible or in the far out future. I have so many dreams, yet it seems like I am not moving any closer to reaching them. I guess I have gotten caught up in the fear that some obstacles or situations are too big for God. This of course is a lie. Nothing is impossible for Christ. He makes all things work for the good of those who love him. (Jeremiah 29:11) This is a promise I need to remind myself time and time again. My future is not in my hands alone. He has everything mapped out and every detail in line with His perfect will. And the amazing part is that He continues to forgive me for all the times I do not believe. His grace is so abundant that it covers all the disbelief that seems to creep up so often. He created me for a purpose and He will make sure that it happens. God told me to pay attention to the lessons He is trying to teach me. I have to be patient and grow in maturity in Him. One of these lessons I have been aware of recently, is to respect my parents and people older than me. If I want to be a good parent and good example to my future kids one day, I need to show them what it means to honor my elders. When I have children, I want them to follow in my footsteps and respect me. How can they do that if they do not have an example? Another huge lesson I have learned as of recent, is to not be afraid to ask God for things. I need to be able to come to Him and tell Him my desires. Also, I need to be able to tell others so they can pray for me and support me as I head toward these goals and dreams. The two biggest aspirations that have been on my mind nearly non-stop lately are having photography as a part time job and being a stay at home mom. Instead of cowering my head in defeat, I need to trust that God will work it out in the perfect time. Faith is definitely not a quick lesson to learn. I pray though that I can grow more and more as I wait patiently for Him. God is bigger than any of my doubts. Thank goodness!
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